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mandala bouddhiste à plouray 56

by Super Utilisateur, 9 years ago
0 0

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgContentJComments has a deprecated constructor in /home/users/c/colaianni/www/arsab/plugins/content/jcomments/jcomments.php on line 25
photo du mandala présenté dans la salle ou l'on nous sert thé et gâteaux.
La collation est offerte mais on peut donner un petit quelque chose si on veut.

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; JCommentsACL has a deprecated constructor in /home/users/c/colaianni/www/arsab/components/com_jcomments/classes/acl.php on line 17

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